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MAUNDY THURSDAY, 6 April: Eucharist of “the Last Supper” with be observed at 7:00 p.m. Following the stripping of the altar, opportunity will be given for quiet meditation.

GOOD FRIDAY, 7 April: No service at St. James. However, you are invited to join with neighboring parish, St. John’s Church, 74 Pleasant St., Arlington 02476, at 12:00 noon or 6:00 p.m. for a Good Friday liturgy. Or, you may join me at noon at Church of the Advent, 30 Brimmer St., Boston 02108, where I shall offer a mediation on the words of Christ from the Cross.

EASTER DAY, or the Feast of the Resurrection, 9 April, 10:00 a.m. will be observed with a Festal Eucharist. Following the service, you are invited to gather in St. Francis Hall for a light reception and informal conversation.

Precautionary measures against COVID-19: Please note that masks are recommended, but no longer required. However, our Bishop, following state and CDC guidelines, continues to urge the use of masks while singing. We will maintain our practice of receiving Communion in one-kind only, namely in the Bread. Theologians for centuries and still today remind us that Christ is present in either or both elements of communion.