Open Letter from Rev. Clarence, 9/18/22

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Dear Members and Friends of St. James,

I write today to share my enthusiasm for your continued devotion to the ministry of our congregation in Teele Square. We have been able to welcome and be nourished musically by the combined ministry of two talented musicians, one a violinist and one an organist-choir director. Take a moment to get to know these young men. In addition, it is uplifting to my spirit to welcome weekly new faces into our sacred space. A Priestly Alert: This is not the hour to demonstrate our usual Episcopal shyness. While observing appropriate social distance, it is still possible to greet our newcomers. A ministry of welcome, as St. Andrew’s Church, Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard, demonstrated last week to strangers in their midst, is equally appropriate at St. James on the corner of Broadway and Clarendon. To that end, I remind you of a statement which I made, now, five years ago upon my arrival among you: I am the priest, but you are the ministers. A ministry of welcome is always a sign of hospitality and acceptance, and is never a solitary activity, assigned to one individual.

As we move cautiously to a fuller, intentional ministry of outreach, with the relaxation of stringent guidelines regarding social gathering in the church, I believe that we should consider reviving our informal welcome of Coffee Hour following Eucharist. This would be a splendid, relaxed occasion to welcome those who come into our building.

Thanks to recent visitors from India, we have been invited to engage in a cooperative effort with St. James Church, Calcutta. It is my understanding that our parish has a long and venerable history in this form of mutual ministry. I welcome learning from you how we may once again connect with other parishes beyond our diocese and the United States.

In addition, it is my objective that we resume the ministry of English as a Second Language. We have been approached by a student group at Tufts University, thanks to my colleague and chaplain there, the Rev. Dan Bell. I shall this week meet with and consult others in our deanery who have experience in this program. The pandemic caused us to place this ministry on hold, as it was not advisable to gather, as we once did in small, intimate groups. Following CDC guidelines and diocesan protocols, it is my belief and wish that we resume this outreach as soon as possible. Volunteers are very much welcome. You may contact me via email, in person, or by telephone, with your recommendations and your wish to engage in this outreach.

Of your charity, I bid you pray for peace, both at home and abroad. Our Collect of the Day expresses appropriately, from whom and by whom peace shall come:
Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Chris our Lord, who lives and reign with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

May the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you, and remain with you, and those whom you love, for ever. Amen.

Your fellow traveler in The Way,