There is a season…

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Dear friends,

This here web site moderator/manager will be stepping down from her role as of 1/1/2022. Having moved out of state several years ago, I intended back then to pass on the task to others.

But when the pandemic hit, I felt called to help members of St. James, residents of Somerville, and neighboring towns maintain at least some small sense of community. Although you couldn’t commune together at Saint James, Teele Square, in person, we could keep “in touch”, primarily through postings of Rev. Clarence’s letters and sermons.
I have been posting both here, but mostly at the St Saint James Facebook page (under “Saint James Episcopal, Somerville”); postings of human interest, stories, and updates on the pandemic from reliable sources were meant to be welcome distractions and/or useful information on how to keep yourself, your loved ones, and your neighbors healthy. I pray you found at least one of these to be amusing, touching, or informative.

Are you interested in taking up this mission? Both tasks can be as quick or as time-consuming as you wish to make them. One need not feel obliged to include links or nice pictures in the posts—they can be as simple as a copy-and-paste of Rev. Clarence’s letter and sermon. Should you feel moved to take on this role, please speak with Rev. Clarence next time you attend a Sunday service. Or leave him a message. It has been a pleasure, folks. Please stay in touch.

Caritas! Your former neighbor & parishioner,