Passing of Ronald Carlson, 4/1/22

Dear Members of St. James, It is with a sad heart that I am obliged to report to you the sudden passing of long-time member Ronald “Ronnie” Carlson.  His return to eternity took place this early morning, Friday, 1 April, at Mount Auburn Hospital, Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the 61st year of his time.  His brother …

Sermon, 3/27/22: In Retrospect!

4 Lent Psalm 32; Joshua 5:9 – 12; II Corinthians 5:16 – 21; Luke 15:1 – 3, 11b – 32 But then he came to his senses. Luke 15:17 One nagging question which we pose often quietly to ourselves, in the privacy of our own minds is: “What if?” That question, on its surface simple …

Parish Update, 3/27/22

4 Lent Dear Members and Friends of St. James,In addition to my weekly meditation, I take this opportunity to direct your attention to matters concerning our parish. Some of what follows may seem repetitive, i.e. items previously posted in this medium. Also, some information, mentioned today for the first time, will be repeated in the …

Sermon 2/20/22: Mending Walls

7 Epiphany​ 20 February 2022​ Psalm 37:1 – 12, 41 – 42; Genesis 45:3 – 11, 15; I Corinthians 15:35 – 38, 42 – 50; Luke 6:27 – 38 A righteous person speaks words of wisdom and justice is always on his lips. Ps. 37:30 It was in my Midwestern high school that I was …

7 Epiphany and parish update, 2/20/22

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. James, I write to thank you again for your participation last Sunday, 13 February, in our Annual Meeting. As I noted prior and during our meeting, and repeat now afterwards, to hold such an important gathering via Zoom, whether visually or via telephone conference, as did we, is not …

Sermon, 2/6/22: Daring to try something different!

5 Epiphany​​ Psalm 138​; Isaiah 6:1 – 13​; I Corinthians 15:1 – 11​; Luke 5:1 – 11 Simon answered, “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing.  Yet if you say so, I will let down the net.” Luke 5:5 My reflection this morning has two related focuses.  My high school Latin teacher, about whom …

Letter, 2/6/22

Dear Parishioner and Friends of St. James, I begin my update today which an apology.  Because of weather conditions and having no immediate task that required me this week passed to be on our church campus, I was not aware until this morning that access to our buildings had not been cleared of the two …

Sermon, 1/16/22: Means of Communication

2 Epiphany Psalm 36:5 – 10 Isaiah 62:1 – 5 I Corinthians 12:1 – 11 John 2:1 – 11 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”  John 2:5 This pandemic which seems not to want to release anytime soon its hold on our lives, has brought many changes into our lives, …

Letter 1/16/22

Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. James, The world’s problem has been solved.  Without naming the classical music station to which I am always tuned, I, along with countless other listeners, learned from a program announcer that January is the most difficult month in our calendar year!  On the one hand, I breathed a sigh …

Sermon, 1/9/2021: Tempus fugit!

Epiphany Psalm 29 Isaiah 43:1 – 7 Acts 8:14 – 17 Luke 3:15 – 17, 21 – 22 Where does one fit in? A voice from heaven said, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved, with you I am well pleased. Luke 3.22 ‘Tempus fugit,’ said the ancient Virgil (Georgics. Bk. 3, line 284) The Englishman …